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martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

La Parroquia de Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción, de Vancouver, ¡nos saluda!

Our warmest Canadian greeting to the Diocese of Ciudad Real.
We are a small but vibrant group of twenty-one young people from the Archdiocese of Vancouver, British Columbia. Our group is based out of a parish in Port Coquitlam: a city located approximately 30 kilometres east of Vancouver.
For the past two years, we have been faithfully preparing our hearts for World Youth Day: an experience many of us will undoubtedly remember as having been life-changing. We meet once a month for a formation evening, during which time one of our key focus-points is to nurture our group dynamics and relationships, as well as to ultimately grow in fellowship and community. We also plan our various fundraising endeavours during our formation meetings. At the moment, our sights are set on hosting a spring talent night to raise some last-minute funds before several young people from our group set-off to Europe to begin their pre-World Youth Day travels.
Of course, most importantly of all, our monthly meetings are a special time in which we pray together. Gathered close, in our regular meeting place of the parish school library, our hearts beat a similar prayer: that God may grant us a profound experience in Madrid that will serve to focus our paths in life and give us the courage to answer His call. We are confident that our days spent in Ciudad Real will be a perfect lead-up to the great celebrations in Madrid.
Several young people in our group have travelled to past World Youth Days: namely, Cologne and Sydney. Without hesitation, us World Youth Day veterans agree that the Days in the Diocese experience is always a highlight and the ever-important kindling point of the flame that comes to be strengthened and brightened by the actual World Youth Day week. We are so grateful, and feel truly blessed that your diocese has opened its doors to us, to host us and inspire us with your love for the Lord. Based on what we can see of your wonderful diocese from across these many kilometres that separate us, your diocese is truly on fire for God and we are so excited to share in your light.
Our prayers are with you.
See you in August!
Daniela Gimenez
Group Leader

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